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Bhakti Nagara Mulia

Bhakti Nagara Mulia (BNM) is a tax consulting firm led by experts and run by professionals with the knowledge, expertise, and excellent understanding of taxation.

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In cooperation with:

The Founder and President Director of UDL Holding, Mr. Budihardjo, solved a complex tax dispute case, covered by CCTV4 news channel.

Video Courtesy of CCTV4

Our Services

Tax Services

  1. Financial Due Diligence

  2. Accounting

  3. Asset Valuation

  4. Financial Restructuring

  5. Auditing ( General / Special )

    • Internal Audit

    • External Audit

  6. Merger & Acquisition Support

  7. Initial Public Offering Suppor


Tax Consultant Services 

  1. Tax Consultancy

  2. Tax Planning

  3. Tax Refund

  4. Transfer Pricing Document

  5. Assistance of Tax Audit

  6. Tax Objection​

Tax Amnesty

  1. Reporting after Tax Amnesty


Tax Compliance Services

  1. Periodic Tax Return Article 21/26, 22, 23/26, 25

  2. Periodic Tax Return Value Added Tax

  3. Periodic Tax Return Article 4 Clause (2) Rent of Land and or Building

  4. Annual Filling of Companies and Individuals


Attorney at Tax Law

  1. Claim to the Tax Court

  2. Appeal to the Tax Court

  3. Extraordinary Claim to the Supreme Court


Pak Budi.PNG

Budihardjo Hardisurjo, B.Sc., SH., MH.

Managing Partner


Andreas Roy Ginting, Ak.

Managing Partner

Pak Anton.PNG

Drs. Anton Z. Tonbeng

Managing Partner

Our Tax & Accounting Team

Our Clients

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